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The Forgotten est un personnage ajouté dans le Booster Pack #5, ressemblant à un Bony. Il ne peut pas tirer de larmes normales, mais a une massue en os qui peut être balancée au corps à corps, ou chargée afin d'être lancée.

The Forgotten ne peut accueillir des conteneurs de cœur normaux. N'importe quel conteneur de cœur obtenu sera transformé en cœur d'os, alors que les Cœurs d'âme et les Cœurs noirs sont données à The Soul. The Forgotten et The Soul se partagent la barre de vie, ainsi chaque entité ne peut avoir que 6 cœurs maximum, contrairement au 12 cœurs habituels.

The Soul


Appuyer sur la touche d'échange (CTRL sur PC/RT sur les mannettes XBOX/R2 sur les manettes PS4) permettra de contrôler The Soul, un fantôme bleu chaîné à The Forgotten qui tire des larmes spectrales. The Soul peut voler, et pendant le contrôle de The Soul, The Forgotten ne peut pas prendre de dommages, et bloquera également tous les tirs normaux ennemis. Si The Soul meurt, la partie sera également perdue.


  • The Forgotten's bone club deals triple his damage when swung and 1.5x his damage when thrown.
  • The Forgotten cannot take deals with the devil as he only has bone hearts, though The Soul can take devil deals with its soul hearts. If a deal would kill The Soul, quickly switching to The Forgotten will keep him alive. The soul can be easily resurrected by picking up another soul or black heart.
    • If The Soul has no Soul Hearts as a result of this, switching to The Soul will be disabled until another is obtained.
    • Losing red hearts inside the bone heart containers does not count as taking red heart damage for devil deal chances, while losing bone heart containers will reduce it.
  • While the Soul is active, the body will block enemy shots and actively pull nearby enemy shots into itself. The attraction range is less than one tile width.
  • The Forgotten's melee attack will pick up pickups and open chests it hits. Mimics opened this way do not deal damage.
    • Stone Chests cannot be opened this way. Golden Chests and Eternal Chests still require a key or the Fichier:Collectible Paper Clip icon.pngPaper Clip to open.
    • Items that can be moved but not pick up are instead pushed. This can be used to launch bombs Dr. Fetus style or to knock a troll bomb away.
  • Fichier:Collectible Crow Heart icon.pngCrow Heart prevents The Forgotten from losing bone heart containers as long as it still has red health. However, taking damage while having at least 1 empty bone heart container reduces the chance of getting a Devil Deal.
  • The shot speed and tear height stats have no effect on the Forgotten's melee attacks or bone toss.
  • The range stat increases how far away from the Forgotten the melee attack's arcs appear. It doesn't affect the bone toss.
  • Items that increase character size increase the range of the melee attack. Items that decrease character size decrease the range of the melee attack.
  • To switch between two pills / cards press the swap key (CTRL on PC) twice quickly.

Débloquer The Forgotten

Pour être débloqué, The Lamb must have been defeated previously before The Forgotten can be unlocked, and unlocking The Forgotten can be done in both Normal and Hard difficulty.

  • First, start a new run. Defeat the boss of the first floor within the first minute. If done correctly, Mom's voice will yell, you will hear the sound of running footsteps, and the large shadow of a shovel handle will appear on the floor of the starting room. Bombing anywhere in the room will cause the shadow to disappear, and spawn the Pelle Brisée Pelle Brisée.
    • Holding the Broken Shovel will cause Mom's feet to continually try to stomp you. Using the Broken Shovel will stop the stomping for the current room or for the current wave of a multi-wave room, such as the Boss Rush.
    • On XL floors, both bosses must be defeated within one minute. Although this is possible, it is difficult, and it is recommended to simply restart.
    • Once you pick up the Broken Shovel, you must not trade it for another active item. If you leave it in a room and try to come back for it, it will disappear.
    • This cannot be done during a seeded run; it must be random. Mom's Voice will not trigger and you will not be able to bomb for the shovel.
  • Next, clear Boss Rush. This will grant the second piece of the Pelle Brisée Pelle Brisée, completing Pelle de Maman Pelle de Maman.
    • The normal requirement for getting to Boss Rush within 20 minutes does not apply, as the hole to go to The Womb after clearing Mom will be sealed until Boss Rush has been completed.
    • After Mom's Shovel has been acquired, Mom's feet will stop attempting to stomp you, and Mom's Shovel can be used like Aller au Fond des Choses Aller au Fond des Choses
  • Finally, in the Dark Room, find the empty room with a Dirt Patch in the center, stand on top of the patch and use Mom's Shovel to unlock The Forgotten.
  • If stuck, confused, or frustrated, check the Pelle Brisée Pelle Brisée page for tips and help.

Item Interactions

Many items have unique interactions with The Forgotten's attack, though The Soul's tears are affected normally.

  • Abaddon Abaddon: Grants 6 black hearts to The Soul and has all the usual effects. If picked up as The Forgotten (most likely by swapping back to The Forgotten after taking it as a devil deal) his bone hearts will be emptied but not removed.
  • Antigravité Antigravité: The bone's melee attack will linger in place briefly and can damage enemies, or even pick up items that move into the arc. Will not damage enemies more than once per swing. The throw is unaffected.
  • Soufre Soufre: The charged attack will spawn a Brimstone laser shaped into a ball which will float in front of The Forgotten for a few seconds before disappearing. The Forgotten will still melee attack while performing this action.
  • Chocolat Chaud Chocolat Chaud: The bone grows in size and damage as it is charged, but it cannot be thrown.
  • Fracture Ouverte Fracture Ouverte / Corps de Cricket Corps de Cricket / Parasite Parasite: Smaller bone shots appear whenever an enemy is hit with the melee attack. The throw is unaffected.
  • Adaptateur Adaptateur: Takes two black hearts and gives a bone heart if used in Soul form.
  • Œil Maudit Œil Maudit: The Forgotten's bone toss attack is replaced with multiple rapid melee attacks, the number depending on how long the attack buttons are held.
  • Mendiant des Ombres Mendiant des Ombres: Makes it harder to keep The Forgotten's bone heart containers, since every red hearts on the floor will be collected and transformed into soul hearts, which can only be used by The Soul.
  • Couronne des Ténèbres Couronne des Ténèbres: The crown activates at one full bone heart.
  • Chat Mort Chat Mort: Sets the Forgotten's bone hearts or the Soul's soul hearts to 1 depending on which form the Forgotten is in when picking the item up.
  • Poches Profondes Poches Profondes / Petit Sachet Petit Sachet / Polydactylie Polydactylie / Deck du Débutant Deck du Débutant: The swap key must be double tapped to switch active consumables.
  • Dr Dr. Fœtus: The charge attack is replaced by a live bomb in the Forgotten's hand. It is thrown on release, but may also explode in his hand if it's held too long. The range of the throw doesn't depend on length of charge, unless the bomb explodes mid-air. The melee attack is unaffected.
  • Super Fœtus Super Fœtus: The charge attack is replaced by a missile in the Forgotten's hand and a crosshair that may be moved. The missile is thrown at the crosshair when all attack buttons are released, with an additional melee swing in the same direction. The melee attack is unaffected.
  • Mauvais Œil Mauvais Œil: As the Evil Eye projectile is being launched, it will mimic The Forgotten's melee attack, though it won't mimic any bone throws done by The Forgotten. After launching an Evil Eye projectile as The Forgotten and switching to The Soul, the Evil Eye projectile will continue the melee attack from The Forgotten. After launching an Evil Eye projectile as The Soul and switching to The Forgotten, the Evil Eye projectile will fire bones.
  • Récompense du Destin Récompense du Destin / Incube Incube: The familiars will fire smaller bone shots even when The Forgotten uses their charged attack.
  • Pierre Plate Pierre Plate: The bone bounces on the ground a couple times when thrown.
  • Œil de la Providence Œil de la Providence: Gives the Forgotten's bone homing when thrown, but does not grant an aura.
  • Patte de Guppy Patte de Guppy / Épluche-Légumes Épluche-Légumes: The Forgotten cannot use either of these items, as neither bone hearts or soul/black hearts qualify for them.
  • Haemolacria Haemolacria: A burst of blood shots appears whenever an enemy is hit with the melee attack. The throw is unaffected.
  • Saint Éclat Saint Éclat: The melee attack can create beams of light.
  • Homing tears: The thrown bone homes in on enemies.
  • Ipéca Ipéca: The Forgotten's melee attack will trigger an explosion when it makes contact with an enemy, but The Forgotten will not be harmed by it. This does not make The Forgotten impervious to other types of explosions unless it is a death explosion caused by the melee hit.
  • Perfusion Perfusion/Blood Donation Machines: Will empty bone hearts without destroying them while in skeletal form.
  • Calcul Rénal Calcul Rénal: The forgotten launches a quick series of melee attacks after firing the kidney stone.
  • Échelle de Jacob Échelle de Jacob: Both the melee and thrown attacks cause 1-2 arcs of electricity to zap out when they hit an enemy.
  • Cornes de Loki Cornes de Loki: The Forgotten holds four bones, one in each direction. There's a chance to swing all four or throw all four if charged.
  • Lentille Égarée Lentille Égarée: The melee attack can deflect enemy shots. Deflected shots may hit enemies for fairly small damage depending on the enemy shot's size.
  • La Technique Ludovico La Technique Ludovico: The large tear will follow the Forgotten. It can be hit with the melee attack to propel it, which also increases its damage.
    • The Ludovico Technique + Bébé Interdimensionnel Bébé Interdimensionnel: Creates a second large tear when the first tear touches Multidimensional Baby.
  • Morceau de Charbon Morceau de Charbon: The melee attack is unaffected regardless of range. The bone toss attack does extra damage from further away.
  • Ligne de Mire Ligne de Mire: The Forgotten will get stat upgrades but is otherwise unaffected.
  • Couteau de Maman Couteau de Maman: The knife will attach to The Forgotten's bone club, increasing the size and damage of the melee attack.
  • Poumon de Monstro Poumon de Monstro: The Forgotten's bone toss attack is replaced by a typical Monstro's Lung shot, though the tears are all bones.
  • Mon Reflet Mon Reflet: The Forgotten will get stat upgrades but is otherwise unaffected.
  • Liquide Mystérieux Liquide Mystérieux: Throwing the bone creates a trail of damaging green creep.
  • Polyphème Polyphème: The bone club becomes a lot larger, causing hits to cover a larger area.
  • Proptose Proptose: Damage is doubled for melee, while damage reduces normally with range when thrown.
  • Polycorie Polycorie: No effect on the Forgotten's bone club.
  • Colle Caoutchouc Colle Caoutchouc: No effect on the Forgotten's bone club.
  • Cartable Cartable: The swap key must be double tapped to switch active items.
  • Lait de Soja Lait de Soja: The bone's melee attack is extremely fast and the charge for throwing is short.
  • Technologie Technologie: A laser ring will appear around The Forgotten whenever he swings, and a laser is fired between The Forgotten and the bone club whenever it is thrown.
    • Technology + Proptose Proptose: Size of the laser ring is doubled.
  • Tech X Tech X: A laser ring appears around the bone club whenever it is thrown.
    • Tech X + Soufre Soufre: The laser ring appears around the brimstone ball instead.
    • Tech X + Dr Dr. Fœtus: The laser ring appears around the thrown bomb instead.
  • Planète Naine Planète Naine: The bone throw now spins around in a circle and can be thrown further than normal with range upgrades.
  • Trisagion Trisagion: No effect on the Forgotten's bone club.
  • Bonnet d'Âne Bonnet d'Âne: The Forgotten wields two clubs, one in each hand, pointing diagonally outwards.
  • Œil Maudit Œil Maudit: The Forgotten now charges his melee attack, doing 3 fast attacks when charged up as well as teleporting when taking damage.
  • Œil de Lynx Œil de Lynx: Each successful hit with the bone club will increase the damage multiplier.
  • Tous ce qui augmente la taille de Forgotten augmente la hitbox de son os.

Unlockable items

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